Anxiety is an apprehension over an anticipated problem or fear. Thousands of people around the world suffer from Anxiety Disorders. It can affect everyday life and function and eventually take a turn into a downward spiral of depression and more Anxiety attacks. In order to treat someone with an Anxiety Disorder you must know the etiology of the disorder. When you know the cause it will be easier for the Doctor to prognosis different treatment options.
The first and most common treatment is the treatment of benzodiaepines drugs such as Valium and Xanax. These drugs can alter the brain chemistry and change the thought process while having a panic attack [due to having an anxiety disorder]. It has also been proven that types of Therapy also alter the brain chemistry and changes the thought process it just takes a longer amount of time. Dr. John Krohol stated that "research shows time and time again that medication alone — virtually any medication you can name — in the treatment of a mental disorder is not nearly as effective as when it is combined with psychotherapy." The problem is that many people aren't ready, mature, or even care enough to take the time therapy takes. Everyone now a days wants instant gratification. We want to be fixed and fixed now and this isn't just with treatments that our doctors give us it can be with any aspect of our every day life.
Psychotherapy has made improvements to patients living with Anxiety Disorders or even Depression. Results from Psychotherapy studies have shown that patients were less likely to relapse. Being against the overuse of prescription drugs I believe that any type of therapy can benefit anyone who is willing to take the steps and time it offers to get back on the road to success to having a normal functioning life.
Yes, mental illness and anxiety are a growing problem. Mental illness runs in my family, my mother and grandfather have it. I fear sometimes that it is at least partly if not all genetically passed down. I find myself with the same sort of symptoms my mother had before she ended up in the hospital. It worries me, but just another thing to worry about. I just thank god that I don't have more serious problems like so many other unfortunate people have.
I thought your post was good, but I think you should be careful when it comes to sounding accusatory... saying things like "patients want instant gratification" is typically true, yes. However, limiting reasons for them not seeking psychotherapy to reasons such as 1. not mature, 2. not ready, and 3. unwilling to spend time that treatment takes is seemingly unfair. There are many other reasons for a patient to not seem psychotherapy, namely the cost. If I can see my GP one time and get a script for Xanax, it is much less costly than spending countless hours with a psychotherapist (that my insurance won't cover). You made some excellent points. Combination of drug therapy and psychotherapy really is the best way to resolve symptoms associated with anxiety disorders.
thank you both very much for your comments. I really appreciate your honesty and opinions.
I have to agree with psychic psych chick when she says that you should be careful when it comes to writing accusations. Other than that I enjoyed reading your blog and I agree with your statement that the combination of drug therapy and psychotherapy really is the best way to resolve symptoms associated with anxiety disorders. From my own experience, I have a friend with an anxiety disorder and I know that she deals with her problems much better when she goes to therapy and takes medication.
I dont think that everyone wants to be fixed. A lot of people want the easy way out when it comes to children because a lot of parents these days are too tired or busy to spend time with their child after they have been pent up in a class all day. I think the lack of physical outlet causes children to gain anxiety where as adults, it is our own capacity of fear gained from knowledge. I used to sing in a band and then went a few years without but every time I did karaoke I was scared beyond belief. That was anxiety. From that stemmed a lot of other different anxieties and after a while it does seem to get a little over bearing. I believe instead of using drugs people should try things like meditation, yoga, and enhancing your self awareness. It not only worked for me but also for my cousin who is autistic and flips out over the slightest thing such as if you leave to go somwhere and forget something at the house and have to come back. He'll start screaming and pitching a fit. It may not work for everyone but there are those of us out there that do look for alterior methods rather than drugs. I do agree and appreciate however with your idea that therapy will work with time and patience but I would like to see it steer away from the drugs.
ok here's one for u...I do have gen anxiety disorder...it gets better and worse throughout life. But I have a bigger problem that completely affects not only my life but my whole family...it's my thought process. I get overwhelmed quite easily. It's not helped by the racing thoughts but it's something that I've had to deal with since childhood. A few years ago some friends were taking xanax and talking about how great it was. It sounded to me like a cheap drunk so I bought one and some other friends had some and came to my house to drink and party and everyone got really drunk and zoned out. I know it's stupid to mess with drugs like that but it was all new back then. My point of this story though is that I didn't get zoned. I started cleaning...and organizing everything! Stuff I'd put off for a good year or so! It was almost like normally my thoughts were like someone took a deck of cards and threw them up in the air and they did nothing but scatter but with xanax I knew which card to pick up first, then the next and then the next. So I started taking xanax...a 1/2 mg a day and my life was finally normal!! I don't have insurance so I would have to get them illegally which eventually with the anxiety I already have I couldn't continue b/c of the fear of a felony. Now my life is a mess again and I'm constantly so overwhelmed I get nothing done. Now how can therapy help me with that problem? It seems to me that the chemical in the drug is what my brain is lacking in order to function properly.
Anticonvulsants and antidepressants are sometimes used to treat addiction to panic and fear. How effective and safe it is to manage depression and anxiety disorders?
Anticonvulsants are also prescribed for adults for the management of seizures in epilepsy.
What side effects are more frequent?
Side effects, the most frequently reported are drowsiness, dizziness, nausea and fatigue. These side effects usually disappear within a few days. The psychiatric side effects include restlessness, mania, and changes in libido.
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